Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. David Rovics  The Bluegrass Fiddler of London  Make It So 
 2. David Michael Jackson  The Fiddler Man  The Trouble 
 3. Bewareofthebabylon9.18.05  RIDING THE BUS WITH MY FIDDLER  Beware of the Babylon Podcast 
 4. Vic Chesnutt & Elf Power  Phil The Fiddler  12/16/06 40 Watt Club - Athens, GA 
 5. Demons&Wizards  Fiddler On The Green  Demons&Wizards 
 6. The Irish Ceili Band  Fiddler's Green  Irish Beer Drinking Favorites 
 7. Pincer Attack  Fiddler Crab  Afternoon Vellocet Does Pincer Attack [META025] 
 8. Vic Chesnutt/Elf Power  Phil the Fiddler  2008-11-05 - Santa Fe Brewing Co, Santa Fe, NM 
 9. Vic Chesnutt/Elf Power  Phil the Fiddler  2008-11-05 - Santa Fe Brewing Co, Santa Fe, NM 
 10. Santa Clara Vanguard  Fiddler - Drums Only  Parking Lot - Book 
 11. Marc Gunn/4 Irish Whiskey / Marc Gunn  Fiddler's Green  4 Irish Whiskey's Pub Songs 
 12. Marc Gunn & The Dubliners' Tabby Cats  Fiddler's Green  Irish Drinking Songs: The Cat Lover's Companion 
 13. Stanley and Grimm  Fiddler's Green  Song Henge, Vol. 30 
 14. The Tragically Hip  Fiddler's Green  Road Apples  
 15. The Tragically Hip  Fiddler's Green  Road Apples 
 16. Jethro Burns  Fiddler on the Roof  Lessons With Jethro - Jim Nikora Disk 1 
 17. Carter Brothers And Son  Give The Fiddler A Dram   
 18. Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick/arr. Herbert Baumel  Selections from Fiddler on the Roof  04626369 
 19. Jerry Bock/Sheldon Harnick/arr. Michael Brown/Will Rapp  Fiddler on the Roof – Part 2  03745224 
 20. Jerry Bock/Sheldon Harnick/arr. Michael Brown/Will Rapp  Fiddler on the Roof – Part 3  03745226 
 21. Candy, Greg and Jere  Give the Fiddler a Dram  Stringband class 
 22. Jerry Bock and Sheldon Harnick/arr. Herbert Baumel  Selections from Fiddler on the Roof  04626369 
 23. Carter Brothers And Son  Give The Fiddler A Dram   
 24. Warren Yates  bluegrass run example  Album 
 25. The Grass Cats  Bluegrass Man  The Blues Are Back In Town 
 26. Warren Yates  bluegrass run example  Album 
 27. Warren Yates  bluegrass run two  Album 
 28. Silver Dogs  Fiddler's Green Purple Fiddle   
 29. The PMO Podcast Host: Mark Perry  The PMO Podcast: Episode 122 - The Fiddler On The Project  The PMO Podcast 
 30. CBC's Glenn and Karl  Jerry Holland / Fiddler's Choice  Reel by Jerry Holland 
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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